Email when someone ssh's into a server

Save the following file to /etc/profile.d/ on your server. Update [email protected] with your email. # email on ssh login if [ -n »

Postman desktop app ubuntu 24.04 quick install

Download from for linux x64. Extract in your downloads folder and open up the terminal and cd over to the newly »

Quick local mysql access without password entry

Using mysql_config_editor which stores a ~/.mylogin.cnf file we can have easy access to mysql as a privileged user from the terminal without needing »

Apache config errors when configtest shows no errors

Recently I ran into an issue where a configtest with apachectrl -t reported Syntax Ok, reloaded apache and everything went down. It turned out to be »

Easy PHP version switching on Ubuntu (allows for running multiple versions at the same time)

This article assumes you're using PHP FPM, we'll also show you how to switch PHP versions on the command line at the bottom as well. You'll »

PHP heredocs could be better

... but they can do weird stuff if you really want them to. PHP heredocs aren't something I think most PHP devs (including myself) use day to »

Quick and easy local ssl/https with mkcert on ubuntu

One time install of mkcert with: sudo apt install mkcert libnss3-tools mkcert -install Then set up your SSL cert for the needed domains, e.g. here »

Upgrading Ubuntu servers from 16.04 to 20.04 on Digital Ocean (includes handling floating IP)

Recently I upgraded a bunch of our app servers that were on old 16.04 and other similar sub 20.04 Ubuntu versions. (Why 20.04 »