Browser addon/extension to quickly add to GitHub

Recently I've been using GitHub more as a project management tool to manage all issues there instead of on Trello.

GitHub's new repo & org project boards fit my workflow nicely, but they were missing a key feature.
I could add a note directly from the board and then convert to an issue, but I couldn't just create an issue on the fly.

Al it'd be nice to create issues on the fly wherever I am and so I've created a Chrome & Firefox browser extension to do so ;).

Simply it's a browser extension that lets you add an issue to any of your repos on the fly & add in debug data like the url, your browser UA & a screenshot.

It's open source & I'm happy to take in ideas & contributions:

& it's available on: Google Chrome & Mozilla Firefox.

To set it up, install the extension from one of the above links & then it'll ask for a GitHub personal access token. This is used to make requests to the GitHub API & retrieve a list of your repos & projects if you also enter an org name though this is optional. You'll need to add a personal access token inside GitHub atm (hope to convert this to a GitHub app soon) & you'll need to add the "repo" & "read:org" permission scopes.

Once you add this token to the app & save you're all setup! And you can start submitting issues quicker to Github :).

Have an idea or want to help out with the extension? Open an issue on it's GitHub page.

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