How to Send and Receive Heart Internet Emails Through Gmail

How to Connect Your Heart Internet Mailbox to Gmail

If you use email hosting with Heart Internet and prefer to manage your emails through Gmail, it’s easy to link the two. This guide will walk you through the steps to set up Gmail so you can send and receive emails using your custom domain address.

These steps are specific to Heart Internet, but the process will be similar for many other email providers.

Step 1: Set Up Incoming Mail (Receiving Emails)

  1. Open Gmail and click the gear icon in the top-right corner.
  2. Select See all settings.
  3. Go to the Accounts and Import tab.
  4. Under Check mail from other accounts, click Add a mail account (or edit info next to an existing account).
  5. Enter your email address (e.g., [email protected]) and click Next.
  6. Select Import emails from my other account (POP3) and click Next.
  7. Fill in the following details:
    • Username: Your full email address (e.g., [email protected])
    • Password: Your email account password
    • POP Server:
    • Port: 110
  8. Optional: Choose any of the additional settings (e.g., label incoming messages).
  9. Click Add Account. Gmail will test the connection and start importing your emails.

Step 2: Set Up Outgoing Mail (Sending Emails)

  1. In the Accounts and Import tab, find Send mail as and click Add another email address.
  2. Enter your name and your email address (e.g., [email protected]).
  3. Untick Treat as an alias unless you specifically need it.
  4. Fill in the following SMTP server settings:
    • SMTP Server: (Check your Heart Internet control panel for the exact server address)
    • Port: 587
    • Username: Your full email address
    • Password: Your email account password
  5. Choose Secured connection using TLS.
  6. Click Add Account. Gmail will send a confirmation email to your mailbox.
  7. Follow the instructions in the confirmation email to verify your setup.

That’s It!

Once these steps are complete, you can send and receive emails from your custom domain directly through your Gmail account. This setup gives you the convenience of Gmail with the professional touch of your own domain email address.

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