Google photos backup with rclone
I've been using Google Photos to store photos from my phone for over 10 years and it works great to have them automatically sync when I »
I've been using Google Photos to store photos from my phone for over 10 years and it works great to have them automatically sync when I »
Save the following file to /etc/profile.d/ on your server. Update [email protected] with your email. # email on ssh login if [ -n »
Download from for linux x64. Extract in your downloads folder and open up the terminal and cd over to the newly »
Using mysql_config_editor which stores a ~/.mylogin.cnf file we can have easy access to mysql as a privileged user from the terminal without needing »
Recently I ran into an issue where a configtest with apachectrl -t reported Syntax Ok, reloaded apache and everything went down. It turned out to be »
This article assumes you're using PHP FPM, we'll also show you how to switch PHP versions on the command line at the bottom as well. You'll »
... but they can do weird stuff if you really want them to. PHP heredocs aren't something I think most PHP devs (including myself) use day to »
One time install of mkcert with: sudo apt install mkcert libnss3-tools mkcert -install Then set up your SSL cert for the needed domains, e.g. here »