mitmproxy on Ubuntu 20.04+

mitmproxy is a free and open source interactive HTTPS proxy. To quickly get this up and running on Ubuntu 19.04 (Updated and tested in 20. »

Debugging Android Chrome with Chrome on your desktop - 2019

Ingredients You'll need your phone, your desktop / laptop & a cable to connect them. Prep Enable developer options on your phone Settings > search for About phone »

LiveReload with FTP

LiveReload is a way to have your code changes live refresh in your browser. E.g. When you save html/template or js files, your browser »

Worth watching - a YouTube playlist

Quick post today: I've been gathering some videos that I feel have been invaluable while learning to program. It's a playlist of Bret Victor, Douglas Crockford, »

Mega menus in REC

REC's default menu is simple by design, allowing you to customise it without need to change many declarations & It's also designed to work for the »

Learning Vue.js - Resources

- skip to resources - Lately I've been working on a number of simple js apps. Simple as they can easily be broken down to 3 »

Browser addon/extension to quickly add to GitHub

Recently I've been using GitHub more as a project management tool to manage all issues there instead of on Trello. GitHub's new repo & org project »

REC Template inheritance & shadow files

When REC moved to a responsive template, we also introduced the new concept of template inheritance & shadow files. Template inheritance might not be new if »