Twig Playground

I've been playing around with Twig templating alot lately, we're implementing it in one of our core projects at work. Twig a great language for templating, »

Docker pure-ftp container

Shameless plug, but there's now a pure-ftp based docker container available up on Dockers index: Usage instructions are »

Yet another CSV parsing php package, but what makes it different?

So I'm a little bored with that state of most CSV parsing tools. I'm not saying there aren't some good lib's, but, either they seem to »

Rightmove BLM file reader / parser

Slightly late post but thought I'd mention a quick new composer package i recently pushed up. A simple BLM reader for use with Rightmoves .BLM files. »

New domain name, a little shorter and simpler. Time i redesigned this blog... maybe... later. I'll be migrating all references to the old domain soon as stilliardapps. »

Enter git reflog to save the day

So, i had to stop and delete a branch i'd been working on, I figured out a better way to build it, sure it meant throwing »

Load a googlecode repo with composer (that doesn't have a composer.json file already)

Load an repo with composer Quick post, full / better info in the links below. So I'm working on a project with composer and »

Mimic a site (php proxy + string replacements)

I built a script ages ago that would act as a simple proxy for a defined site, but allow text replacements. So you could set it »