Match nth case with regex

For an app I worked on lately I implemented some Github style checkboxes in their markdown syntax. The format is like so: [ ] Checkbox 1 [ ] Checkbox 2 »

The importance of obscuring email addresses on websites

mailto:[email protected] links in sites are pretty common place, but having this in the source code of the site means that email is going »

REC Procedure for changes to an existing site

Unlike a new site, making changes to an existing site doesn't require a full "go live" procedure as such, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have »

Browser Support vs Testing

To me there's a difference between these 2 topics, let me explain: Browser support is browsers you're willing to support. While browser testing is the act »

CSS structure & anti patterns (Part 2)

This Is Part 2, you may want to read Part 1 on CSS anti patterns first How to structure your css. This is not to say »

CSS structure & anti patterns (Part 1)

"CSS is quick to learn, but takes years to master". - Not sure where I first read this but it's still true today. It's difficult to »

AWS ELB free SSL termination

Did you know you can generate free SSL certificates for your AWS load balancer? At work we have some application servers on AWS with an ELB »

Reading list for modern web design

Over the years I've found some books on web design to be just as important as posts online. Here's a short post on books I've read, »